Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teaching children politics and responsbilities

In my recent campaign, I ran across several families that I admired for their parental consciousness in politics. While some children were watching TV, involved in sports, and many parents too busy to tend to their community responsibilities, there were others who leveraged the time to teach their children. One family I remember well had a "family meeting to determine pros and cons of candidates". I love this practice. It taught the youngsters what is important and how to go about finding information. By discussing it with others, it also teaches how to reach a conclusion on candidate selection. They were learning how to do political homework. At the end of the exercise, each family member had their personal list, even if they were not of age to vote yet. To me this is a best practice. It did not take but a couple of hours, and it was quality family time.  This practice began when the first child approached voting age.

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